Why we care about education
In Rudyard Kipling’s classic Kim, his character Teshoo Lama wrote: “Education is
a great blessing if of the best sorts, otherwise, no earthly use.”
We want the education in Abington School District to be a blessing for our kids.
We want our kids’ education to be of the best sorts: great teachers, great
curriculum, great books.
We need to read more about educational successes in the Abington School District
than about fights in the schools, guns at football games and learning loss.
We should focus our money on improving our kids’ test scores, improving our
teachers’ expertise in their course knowledge and improving the curriculum.
There has been no credible case presented for how spending $121 Million in 2017
improved the education of our kids and test scores in our high school.
There has never been one meeting that explained how spending $285 million on an as yet
unplanned capital building project will improve the education of our kids.
If our schools focused on the basics of reading, writing, math and the sciences and
improved discipline in all our schools we would see consistent improvement across
the board.
Everyone agrees that the middle school has been neglected by the
administration for too long. It needs an upgrade. We need to slow down this
process, focus on what can realistically be accomplished, make a great plan, then
move forward.
You don’t start a construction project by borrowing $285 million before there are
detailed drawings and plans. No one can predict the future, so any construction
should focus on what needs to be done to improve education for our kids now.