- There are no blueprints or architectural drawings
- There have been no bid requests or any bids for building
a new Middle School
- There has been no study of the cost for repairing the
Middle School
- The Middle School has not been maintained despite millions
being allocated for Maintenance
- ICS who built the website and designed the surveys will be
paid between $28.5 and $34.2 Million dollars if the
Referendum is passed
ICS has already been paid $165,000 for two meetings
and the website.
- Once ICS is paid that will only leave between $256.5 and 250.8 Million left
of the $285 Million.
- Over 40 Years this Referendum will cost Abington and Rockledge taxpayers
a minimum of $708 MILLION in taxes .
Our focus is providing the best education for our kids and the best value for Abington and Rockledge Taxpayers
Paid for by Joe Rooney